This is a very difficult time and it looks like we are going to be challenged for some time to come. The restaurant,hospitality and many other industries have been devastated by the pandemic. We all know that this will not last forever but we still have a hard road ahead.
The farmers in Cambodia and farmers around the world are suffering as well. Kampot Pepper farmers are losing ground to the large growers that are no longer buying the pepper but buying the farms. Last year almost one quarter of the smallest growers (under ¾ acre) either lost or sold their farms or abandoned the business because they cannot sell their pepper. During the first few months of the pandemic sales evaporated. They have begun to pick up but not at normal levels. We need to help save and restore this ancient farming system.”
We have come up with a COVID-19 Response Plan and although our main online focus has been to charities and non-profits we have opened up our online, community-based distribution system to anyone effected by COVID-19.
During the pandemic we have increased the community partner share from 35% to 50%. This is our way of helping out in this difficult time.
So please open your own store by clicking here and we will create a custom, branded store for you within a couple of days. If you have a logo or want to make one please email it to us and the Thank You text you want at the top of your store.
We know that this is not the same as regular employment earnings but it can add up. If you had 100 friends get ten friends each to purchase their pepper from your store that could add up to $15,000.00 over one year. Social impact purchasing works.
Be well, be safe.
Here’s a screen shot of the top section of a custom store with logo and Thank You message: